Friday, August 9, 2013

Be Flexible!

One thing I have learned to be is flexible!  Looks like my teaching assignment has changed, so I will still be teaching Geometry, but now I will have Math Models with Applications instead of Algebra 1.  So, have to make some alterations to the planning I had already started for the coming year.

I'm going to make a concerted effort to "Teach Like a PIRATE!" Dave Burgess has inspired me to do better for my students!  I'm working on combining Pirates and Superheroes as our in-service and this year's admin team has a theme of superheroes for the year.  I'm going to pull that into the classroom and hopefully liven up the typical "boring" math class.  Now the hunt for hooks, activities, and lessons that will be full of energy and learning!

I'm also going to add in using Remind101, Sophia, YouTube, iTunes University, Twitter, Study Blue, Poll Everywhere, and Socrative.

I'm looking forward to using Remind101 to help improve parent/student/teacher communication.  This is a weakness of mine, and I would like to make that better!

SophiaYouTube, iTunes University, and my school website will be used for posting the videos for my students to view for some of the note taking and background information they may need for the classroom activities and lessons.  I'm looking forward to creating a blended learning environment to free up some class time and allow for more inquiry and problem based learning.

TwitterStudy BluePoll Everywhere, and Socrative will be used to engage students, add more interactivity, utilize their own devices for learning, teach digital citizenship and develop a deeper understanding of the content through more discussion.

All of these new ways of interacting and using BYOD is brand new to me as a teacher, and is stretching the comfort level of many on my campus as well.  I really want to push myself to keep true to this goal this year and make good use of my class time for inspiring activities utilizing technology to help deepen understanding and student success.  It is a leap of faith for myself, but it is also a journey that I am excited to begin!

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